1 <TeXmacs|1.99.2> 2 3 <style|generic> 4 5 <\body> 6 <doc-data|<doc-title|Taxi Destination Prediction Challenge<next-line>Winner 7 Team's Report>|<doc-author|<author-data|<\author-affiliation> 8 <em|Montréal, July 2015> 9 </author-affiliation>>>> 10 11 <center|<tabular*|<tformat|<table|<row|<cell|<name|Alex 12 Auvolat>>|<cell|<name|Alexandre de Brébisson>>|<cell|<name|Étienne 13 Simon>>>|<row|<cell|ENS Paris>|<cell|Université de Montréal>|<cell|ENS 14 Cachan>>|<row|<cell|France>|<cell|Québec, 15 Canada>|<cell|France>>|<row|<cell|<verbatim|>>|<cell|<verbatim|<strong|>>>|<cell|<verbatim|>>>>>>> 16 17 <section|Summary> 18 19 Our model is based on a multi-layer perceptron (MLP). Our MLP model is 20 trained by stochastic gradient descent (SGD) on the training trajectories. 21 The inputs of our MLP are the 5 first and 5 last positions of the known 22 part of the trajectory, as well as embeddings for the context information 23 (date, client and taxi identification). \ The embeddings are trained with 24 SGD jointly with the MLP parameters. The MLP outputs probabilities for 3392 25 target points, and a mean is calculated to get a unique destination point 26 as an output. We did no ensembling and did not use any external data. 27 28 <section|Feature Selection/Extraction> 29 30 We used a mean-shift algorithm on the destination points of all the 31 training trajectories to extract 3392 classes for the destination point. 32 These classes were used as a fixed softmax layer in the MLP architecture. 33 34 We used the embedding method which is common in neural language modeling 35 approaches (see [1]) to take the metainformation into account in our model. 36 The following embeddings were used (listed with corresponding 37 dimensionnality): 38 39 <big-table|<tabular|<tformat|<table|<row|<cell|<tabular|<tformat|<cwith|1|1|1|-1|cell-bborder|1px>|<table|<row|<cell|<strong|Meta-data>>|<cell|<strong|Embedding 40 Dimension>>|<cell|<strong|Number of classes>>>|<row|<cell|Unique caller 41 number>|<cell|10>|<cell|57125>>|<row|<cell|Unique stand 42 number>|<cell|10>|<cell|64>>|<row|<cell|Unique taxi 43 number>|<cell|10>|<cell|448>>|<row|<cell|Week of 44 year>|<cell|10>|<cell|54>>|<row|<cell|Day of 45 week>|<cell|10>|<cell|7>>|<row|<cell|1/4 of hour of the 46 day>|<cell|10>|<cell|96>>|<row|<cell|Day type (invalid 47 data)>|<cell|10>|<cell|3>>>>>>>>>>|Embeddings and corresponding dimensions 48 used by the model> 49 50 The embeddings were first initialized to random variables and were then let 51 to evolve freely with SGD along with the other model parameters. 52 53 The geographical data input in the network is a centered and normalized 54 version of the GPS data points. 55 56 We did no other preprocessing or feature selection. 57 58 <section|Modelling Techniques and Training> 59 60 Here is a brief description of the model we used: 61 62 <\itemize> 63 <item><strong|Input.> The input layer of the MLP is the concatenation of 64 the following inputs: 65 66 <\itemize> 67 <item>Five first and five last points of the known part of the 68 trajectory. 69 70 <item>Embeddings for all the metadata. 71 </itemize> 72 73 <item><strong|Hidden layer.> We use a single hidden layer MLP. The hidden 74 layer is of size 500, and the activation function is a Rectifier Linear 75 Unit (ie <math|f<around*|(|x|)>=max<around*|(|0,x|)>>) [2]. 76 77 <item><strong|Output layer.> The output layer predicts a probability 78 vector for the 3392 output classes that we obtained with our clustering 79 preprocessing step. If <math|\<b-p\>> is the probability vector output by 80 our MLP (output by a softmax layer) and <math|c<rsub|i>> is the centroid 81 of cluster <math|i>, our prediciton is given by: 82 83 <\eqnarray*> 84 <tformat|<table|<row|<cell|<wide|y|^>>|<cell|=>|<cell|<big|sum><rsub|i>p<rsub|i>*c<rsub|i>>>>> 85 </eqnarray*> 86 87 Since <math|\<b-p\>> sums to one, this is a valid point on the map. 88 89 <item><strong|Cost.> We directly train using an approximation 90 (Equirectangular projection) of the mean Haversine Distance as a cost. 91 92 <item><strong|SGD and optimization.> We used a minibatch size of 200. The 93 optimization algorithm is simple SGD with a fixed learning rate of 0.01 94 and a momentum of 0.9. 95 96 <item><strong|Validation.> To generate our validation set, we tried to 97 create a set that looked like the training set. For that we generated 98 ``cuts'' from the training set, i.e. extracted all the taxi rides that 99 were occuring at given times. The times we selected for our validation 100 set are similar to those of the test set, only one year before: 101 102 <code|1376503200, # 2013-08-14 18:00<next-line>1380616200, # 2013-10-01 103 08:30<next-line>1381167900, # 2013-10-07 17:45<next-line>1383364800, # 104 2013-11-02 04:00<next-line>1387722600 \ # 2013-12-22 14:30> 105 </itemize> 106 107 <big-figure|<image|winning_model.png|577px|276px||>|Illustration of the 108 winning model.> 109 110 <section|Code Description> 111 112 Here is a brief description of the Python files in the archive: 113 114 <\itemize> 115 <item><verbatim|config/*.py> : configuration files for the different 116 models we have experimented with 117 118 The model which gets the best solution is 119 <verbatim|> 120 121 <item><verbatim|data/*.py> : files related to the data pipeline: 122 123 <\itemize> 124 <item><verbatim|> contains some general statistics about the 125 data 126 127 <item><verbatim|> : convert the CSV data file into an 128 HDF5 file usable directly by Fuel 129 130 <item><verbatim|> : utility functions for exploiting the HDF5 131 file 132 133 <item><verbatim|> : initializes the HDF5 file for the 134 validation set 135 136 <item><verbatim|> : generate a validation set using a 137 list of time cuts. Cut lists are stored in Python files in 138 <verbatim|data/cuts/> (we used a single cut file) 139 140 <item><verbatim|> : Fuel pipeline for transforming the 141 training dataset into structures usable by our model 142 </itemize> 143 144 <item><strong|<verbatim|data_analysis/*.py>> : scripts for various 145 statistical analyses on the dataset 146 147 <\itemize> 148 <item><verbatim|> : the script used to generate the 149 mean-shift clustering of the destination points, producing the 3392 150 target points 151 </itemize> 152 153 <item><verbatim|model/*.py> : source code for the various models we tried 154 155 <\itemize> 156 <item><verbatim|> contains code common to all the models, 157 including the code for embedding the metadata 158 159 <item><verbatim|> contains code common to all MLP models 160 161 <item><verbatim|> containts code for our MLP 162 destination prediction model using target points for the output layer 163 </itemize> 164 165 <item><verbatim|> contains the functions for calculating the 166 error based on the Haversine Distance 167 168 <item><verbatim|> contains a Blocks extension for saving 169 and reloading the model parameters so that training can be interrupted 170 171 <item><verbatim|> contains a Blocks extension that runs the 172 model on the test set and produces an output CSV submission file 173 174 <item><verbatim|> contains the main code for the training and 175 testing 176 </itemize> 177 178 In the archive we have included only the files listed above, which are the 179 strict minimum to reproduce our results. More files for the other models we 180 tried are available on GitHub at <hlink||><hlink||>. 181 182 <section|Dependencies> 183 184 We used the following packages developped at the MILA lab: 185 186 <\itemize> 187 <item><strong|Theano.> A general GPU-accelerated python math library, 188 with an interface similar to numpy (see [3, 4]). 189 <hlink||> 190 191 <item><strong|Blocks.> A deep-learning and neural network framework for 192 Python based on Theano. <hlink||> 193 194 <item><strong|Fuel.> A data pipelining framework for Blocks. 195 <hlink||> 196 </itemize> 197 198 We also used the <verbatim|scikit-learn> Python library for their 199 mean-shift clustering algorithm. <verbatim|numpy>, <verbatim|cPickle> and 200 <verbatim|h5py> are also used at various places. 201 202 <section|How To Generate The Solution> 203 204 <\enumerate> 205 <item>Set the <verbatim|TAXI_PATH> environment variable to the path of 206 the folder containing the CSV files. 207 208 <item>Run <verbatim|data/> to generate the HDF5 file (which 209 is generated in <verbatim|TAXI_PATH>, along the CSV files). This takes 210 around 20 minutes on our machines. 211 212 <item>Run <verbatim|data/> to initialize the validation set 213 HDF5 file. 214 215 <item>Run <verbatim|data/ test_times_0> to generate the 216 validation set. This can take a few minutes. 217 218 <item>Run <verbatim|data_analysis/> to generate the 219 arrival point clustering. This can take a few minutes. 220 221 <item>Create a folder <verbatim|model_data> and a folder 222 <verbatim|output> (next to the training script), which will receive 223 respectively a regular save of the model parameters and many submission 224 files generated from the model at a regular interval. 225 226 <item>Run <verbatim|./ dest_mlp_tgtcls_1_cswdtx_alexandre> to 227 train the model. Output solutions are generated in <verbatim|output/> 228 every 1000 iterations. Interrupt the model with three consecutive Ctrl+C 229 at any times. The training script is set to stop training after 10 000 230 000 iterations, but a result file produced after less than 2 000 000 231 iterations is already the winning solution. We trained our model on a 232 GeForce GTX 680 card and it took about an afternoon to generate the 233 winning solution. 234 235 When running the training script, set the following Theano flags 236 environment variable to exploit GPU parallelism: 237 238 <verbatim|THEANO_FLAGS=floatX=float32,device=gpu,optimizer=FAST_RUN> 239 240 Theano is only compatible with CUDA, which requires an Nvidia GPU. 241 Training on the CPU is also possible but much slower. 242 </enumerate> 243 244 <section|Additional Comments and Observations> 245 246 The training examples fed to the model are not full trajectories, since 247 that would make no sense, but prefixes of those trajectories that are 248 generated on-the-fly by a Fuel transformer, <verbatim|TaxiGenerateSplits>, 249 whose code is available in <verbatim|data/>. The data 250 pipeline is as follows: 251 252 <\itemize> 253 <item>Select a random full trajectory from the dataset 254 255 <item>Generate a maximum of 100 prefixes for that trajectory. If the 256 trajectory is smaller than 100 data points, generate all possible 257 prefixes. Otherwise, chose a random subset of prefixes. Keep the final 258 destination somewhere as it is used as a target for the training. 259 260 <item>Take only the 5 first and 5 last points of the trajectory. 261 262 <item>At this points we have a stream of prefixes sucessively taken from 263 different trajectories. We create batches of size 200 with the items of 264 the previous stream, taken in the order in which they come. The prefixes 265 generated from a single trajectory may end up in two sucessive batches, 266 or all in a single batch. 267 </itemize> 268 269 <section|References> 270 271 <\enumerate> 272 <item><label|gs_cit0>Bengio, Y., Ducharme, R., Vincent, P., & Janvin, C. 273 (2003). A neural probabilistic language model. 274 <with|font-shape|italic|The Journal of Machine Learning Research>, 275 <with|font-shape|italic|3>, 1137-1155. 276 277 <item><label|gs_cit0>Glorot, X., Bordes, A., & Bengio, Y. (2011). Deep 278 sparse rectifier neural networks. In <with|font-shape|italic|International 279 Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics> (pp. 315-323). 280 281 <item><label|gs_cit0>Bergstra, J., Bastien, F., Breuleux, O., Lamblin, 282 P., Pascanu, R., Delalleau, O., ... & Bengio, Y. (2011). Theano: Deep 283 learning on gpus with python. In <with|font-shape|italic|NIPS 2011, 284 BigLearning Workshop, Granada, Spain>. 285 286 <item><label|gs_cit0>Bastien, F., Lamblin, P., Pascanu, R., Bergstra, J., 287 Goodfellow, I., Bergeron, A., ... & Bengio, Y. (2012). Theano: new 288 features and speed improvements. <with|font-shape|italic|arXiv preprint 289 arXiv:1211.5590>. 290 </enumerate> 291 </body> 292 293 <\initial> 294 <\collection> 295 <associate|page-medium|paper> 296 <associate|page-screen-margin|true> 297 </collection> 298 </initial> 299 300 <\references> 301 <\collection> 302 <associate|auto-1|<tuple|1|1>> 303 <associate|auto-10|<tuple|8|?>> 304 <associate|auto-2|<tuple|2|1>> 305 <associate|auto-3|<tuple|1|1>> 306 <associate|auto-4|<tuple|3|1>> 307 <associate|auto-5|<tuple|1|2>> 308 <associate|auto-6|<tuple|4|3>> 309 <associate|auto-7|<tuple|5|3>> 310 <associate|auto-8|<tuple|6|4>> 311 <associate|auto-9|<tuple|7|4>> 312 <associate|firstHeading|<tuple|1|?>> 313 <associate|footnote-1|<tuple|1|?>> 314 <associate|footnr-1|<tuple|1|?>> 315 <associate|gs_cit0|<tuple|4|4>> 316 </collection> 317 </references> 318 319 <\auxiliary> 320 <\collection> 321 <\associate|table> 322 <tuple|normal|Embeddings and corresponding dimensions used by the 323 model|<pageref|auto-3>> 324 </associate> 325 <\associate|toc> 326 <vspace*|1fn><with|font-series|<quote|bold>|math-font-series|<quote|bold>|1<space|2spc>Summary> 327 <datoms|<macro|x|<repeat|<arg|x>|<with|font-series|medium|<with|font-size|1|<space|0.2fn>.<space|0.2fn>>>>>|<htab|5mm>> 328 <no-break><pageref|auto-1><vspace|0.5fn> 329 330 <vspace*|1fn><with|font-series|<quote|bold>|math-font-series|<quote|bold>|2<space|2spc>Feature 331 Selection/Extraction> <datoms|<macro|x|<repeat|<arg|x>|<with|font-series|medium|<with|font-size|1|<space|0.2fn>.<space|0.2fn>>>>>|<htab|5mm>> 332 <no-break><pageref|auto-2><vspace|0.5fn> 333 334 <vspace*|1fn><with|font-series|<quote|bold>|math-font-series|<quote|bold>|3<space|2spc>Modelling 335 Techniques and Training> <datoms|<macro|x|<repeat|<arg|x>|<with|font-series|medium|<with|font-size|1|<space|0.2fn>.<space|0.2fn>>>>>|<htab|5mm>> 336 <no-break><pageref|auto-4><vspace|0.5fn> 337 338 <vspace*|1fn><with|font-series|<quote|bold>|math-font-series|<quote|bold>|4<space|2spc>Code 339 Description> <datoms|<macro|x|<repeat|<arg|x>|<with|font-series|medium|<with|font-size|1|<space|0.2fn>.<space|0.2fn>>>>>|<htab|5mm>> 340 <no-break><pageref|auto-5><vspace|0.5fn> 341 342 <vspace*|1fn><with|font-series|<quote|bold>|math-font-series|<quote|bold>|5<space|2spc>Dependencies> 343 <datoms|<macro|x|<repeat|<arg|x>|<with|font-series|medium|<with|font-size|1|<space|0.2fn>.<space|0.2fn>>>>>|<htab|5mm>> 344 <no-break><pageref|auto-6><vspace|0.5fn> 345 346 <vspace*|1fn><with|font-series|<quote|bold>|math-font-series|<quote|bold>|6<space|2spc>How 347 To Generate The Solution> <datoms|<macro|x|<repeat|<arg|x>|<with|font-series|medium|<with|font-size|1|<space|0.2fn>.<space|0.2fn>>>>>|<htab|5mm>> 348 <no-break><pageref|auto-7><vspace|0.5fn> 349 350 <vspace*|1fn><with|font-series|<quote|bold>|math-font-series|<quote|bold>|7<space|2spc>Additional 351 Comments and Observations> <datoms|<macro|x|<repeat|<arg|x>|<with|font-series|medium|<with|font-size|1|<space|0.2fn>.<space|0.2fn>>>>>|<htab|5mm>> 352 <no-break><pageref|auto-8><vspace|0.5fn> 353 354 <vspace*|1fn><with|font-series|<quote|bold>|math-font-series|<quote|bold>|8<space|2spc>References> 355 <datoms|<macro|x|<repeat|<arg|x>|<with|font-series|medium|<with|font-size|1|<space|0.2fn>.<space|0.2fn>>>>>|<htab|5mm>> 356 <no-break><pageref|auto-9><vspace|0.5fn> 357 </associate> 358 </collection> 359 </auxiliary>